Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We're now living on our boat in Anacortes

Our boat arrived via truck transport Monday, May 19th ~1am. We had spent the night at the Anaco Bay Inn and were at the marina early morning. We were able to get El Bucanero (EB) launched at the Cap Santa Marina and by 9am were starting to put her back together.

We spent Monday getting the dingy inflated and back up top, bemini up, and all our clothing is now in the proper place. We also did a quick outside cleanup before it started raining.

Today, Tuesday, May 20th we spent provision EB, trying to fill our freezer with items for our cruise. Later in the week we'll pick up items to stock up the fridge, before we set off on our cruise.

Here are some of our photos while in Anacortes:

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