Friday, July 11, 2008

Last update from Sitka

We topped off our fuel tanks this morning (80 gallons for total $391), as we'll be departing Sitka tomorrow morning. We're heading South, back through Petersburg, Wrangell, and Ketchikan, with various anchorages along the way. Some places will be new, some we'll have visited previously. For now, it will probably be 4 days before we'll have internet access to post another update (from Petersburg).

Yesterday, we did more exploring and plan to do more today. Here are a few highlights of Sitka:

The Alaska Raptor Center in Sitka

Last night, we had one of the best dinners we've ever had last night. We had heard recommendations that dining at Ludwig's Bistro in Sitka was a must, and now we can understand. We too highly recommend Ludwig's.

St. Michael's Cathedral

Sitka Historical National Park (Totem Park)

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